Welcome To Sri Ramakrishna International Residential School
On the basics of life and principles of such great personalities,we have founded this institution giving education in Gurukula system,Our willingness is to make students humble, generous, bold and civic. The management always tries its best to maintain excellent academic standard. At the same time our schools have earned good reputation for their academics, co-curricular activities and sports activities.
Our Campuses
- Sri Ramakrishna International Residential School (SAGAR)
- Sri Ramakrishna International Residential School (HOSNAGARA)
To develop discipline, cleanliness, simplicity, equality and utility the uniform has been adopted.
White Shirt & navy blue pant: 2-pairs
White shirt and white pant:1-pair
sports uniform:1-pair
Sky blue & biscut colouredjubba & trousers:3-pair
white dhoti and uttariya:1-pair
Tie,belt,school dairy
"A SOUND MIND IN A SOUND BODY" strong and healthy body is essential to achieve any adventerous deed. Nutritious,delicious and clean vegetarian food is served for propoer growth.
6.45 AM - Milk/Bournvita/Horlicks/kashaya
1.00PM - Lunch
4.30 P.M- Light tiffin
9.00 P.M -Supper
Special meals will be served an every sundays and festival days. Fruits are given frequently and milk will be given at night during examination time.